
Not gonna lie, feels pretty weird and challenging to write a message to you around [...]


Believe it or not, I am a recovering people pleaser.  . My inability to set [...]

How are you?

This question gets thrown about so blithely, and I really struggle with it. . In [...]

Let’s Take it One Step at a Time

“There’s too much on all fronts. How can I focus? I feel like my focus [...]

Tap into Your Leadership

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks over here — for you too?.There’s been a lot [...]

Happy Spring

Spring is a JOY.  . Even though the weather can be moody and temperamental, I [...]

Take Fear by the hand, and Go.

Fear is a big factor that comes up when contemplating big change. I get it, [...]

Making Inspired Personal Change

In February, I wrote about my views on the changing relationship to work, with my [...]

The Great Realignment Part 2

I think this moment in time is special. Two years of a rolling pandemic–regardless of [...]

The Great Realignment Part 1

Without alignment – to our values and purpose – we are operating from a scattered [...]