Making Inspired Personal Change


In February, I wrote about my views on the changing relationship to work, with my strong encouragement to take this extraordinary and rare moment in time to take stock and make some changes.
Naturally, the chief responses I received are all some version of “But Shoshanna, HOW?????”
First step? Naming what you want. What do you want your life – all parts of it – to actually look and feel like? In order to design the life you want, you must first name it. Aka you have to actually design it. 

Of course this sounds obvious, but this is truly the sticking point.
Proof that crystal balls do not exist in coaching: While I thought in the spring of 2020 that C19 would grind my business to a halt, I actually got busier than ever. The pandemic forced people’s hands.
Anyone who had been unseriously toying with change suddenly became clear that they needed help to take fast action, and hired me to support them on their journey. It was a privilege and so fun to help so many.
Now, with so much global uncertainty, I’m noticing that the level of distraction is so high, it’s become tougher to focus on making inspired personal change. Which bums me out because I always want humans thinking strategically about the life they want and going for it :).
So if you’re looking to find your way back into focusing on what you want, here are three tips to get you started:

    1. Carve out some quiet time. It doesn’t have to be long or involved. Start with even 10 minutes, just put on a timer and settle in so you can begin to . . . 
    2. DREAM. What do you want your business, career, home – all the parts of your life – to be like in 5 years? Dream big, and make a vision. Here’s a WORKSHEET to help you.
    3. Take a break, and repeat by finding a new chunk of time to tune in and this time, circle back to what you have on tap for the next few months (up to a year)–make sure it’s in alignment and serves the bigger vision for your life. Does what you have lined  move you closer to your big vision? Or further away? Cut everything that doesn’t propel you closer to the life you want!

NOTE: This may involve making some tough edits. You can do it. And if not, consider chatting with me about a Coaching Intensive. This is my key offering in how I help clients kick start big change.

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