Control What You Can

Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]

Be Real With What Is

Besides the fact that I love fall weather (sweater weather, of course!), one of the [...]


I know how daunting it can feel, with everything you’ve got going on right now [...]

September Self-Care

We’re past Labor Day and you know what that means: “Back to work.” Labor day, [...]

*Back to School*

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. The more you apply structure to your [...]

Breaking Up with Perfection

Whew  – it’s about to be August. Say what? Wait a minute . . . [...]

We Need New Questions.

“Foul.” . If I had to capture the current average answer to the question “How [...]


If I’m learning anything in quarantine (A LOT — I’M LEARNING A LOT), it’s about [...]


I don’t know about you, but I’m not bored. I’m lucky that my work has [...]