Spring is a JOY.
Even though the weather can be moody and temperamental, I actually love the peppering of mild days in between colder ones. I love seeing the the beautiful buds beginning to form on the trees. When I look closely at them I can really see them unfurling on themselves. I love that visual nature provides.
Spring always represents a renewal, a removal of layers, and a branching out (pun intended). I love this lightening and brightening up, the sense of transformation that happens citywide. It’s literally everywhere, you can see it in nature, in fashion, in moods, in the spring holidays that are celebrated: Ramadan Mubarak! Chag Sameach Passover! Happy Easter! Warm wishes to all Spring holiday observers!
It’s all so inspiring and uplifting.
This year in particular, although we are very much still in the throes of a pandemic, I, like so many others, am really navigating how to safely be more in the world, and it’s not easy. ESPECIALLY because you (long-time readers in particular) know I am not returning to my pre-pandemic ways.
Why? Because I was exhausted.
This capital “E” extrovert had a hard time saying no to fun. Remember, my 2020 word of the year was in fact “FUN.” My goal that year was to have a lot more fun in building my business, because I am an expert in knowing how to have fun in my non-work life.
But the truth was, what I really needed was better boundaries around my time; see aforementioned point about knowing how to have fun 🙂 .
In reflection, as much as I had already honed my boundary setting, I still had more work to do.
The last 2 years revealed to me that . . . Oof! I still said yes too much!
I would cram too much into my schedule, running from thing to thing, event to event, because networking is important, and I had FOMO, and also it was fun. I love connecting with other humans.
But there were consequences I didn’t fully grasp, like exhaustion, dropped balls, missed opportunities to connect more fully and meaningfully.
Over the last two years, I got to really s-l-o-w down and see how valuable time on my couch is to me. How taking the time to rest on a weekend day (even half a day) with no commitments can make a huge impact on my creativity and focus.
It’s allowed me to think differently and bigger about my life and business, to get to altitude on what and how I want things to be and feel. I have really come to savor my downtime, my self-care and wellness rituals.
This is because the truth is, it’s not just a savoring, I truly need it. I need the time I take in my day and week to breathe, to think and read, and to not be on the run. Slowing down helps me get into creativity, think more strategically, and make more happen in all parts of my life.
I’m not ready to let this go of this greater spaciousness in my life, as I navigate being more present and grounded in person in the world.
That’s me, creating my New Life Blend.
But whew, old habits die hard!! And patterns of behavior are SUPER easy to fall back into. Just being honest, as we rolled into Q2 of 2022, I realized I was feeling pretty frazzled. I packed too much in to February and March, and did not strike a healthy balance. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED everything I took on, but the pacing was way off.
I did not walk my talk.
But I learned. And I’m being kind to myself — honestly, I’ve actually giggled about it some, because it’s SUCH good learning. And I know it’s not just me. I am hearing from so many people that they are frazzled, and fried, and shattered. They are making snap decisions and being reactive with regret. (In my experience, reactivity usually leads to regret).
It’s my view this is because they aren’t taking the time to slow down and design how they want their life to be. This is my regular drum beat, to be intentional about how to create the life you want, as you know, but I’m feeling that this is all the more important now that life is inching its way back to more openness.
The last couple of years (perhaps longer) have been intense and unstable. Events around the world over time, and right now, feel scary and overwhelming. Our senses are overloaded, and I feel it’s vital to make time for ourselves and our wellness.
That’s why I’m protecting my own wellness practices and my time ruthlessly. Here’s how I’m starting:
I am slooooowwwing down, and getting way pickier about how I’m spending my time. I’m reminding myself of all the tools I already have for saying NO, and employing them. Chief among them: Pausing before saying YES. It honestly doesn’t matter what the option or offer is, I’m pausing before replying. More tips for being judicious with your yes can be found here, here, and here.
Because, my philosophy? We have this ONE LIFE. Whether or not you you believe in reincarnation, it’s my thought that we only go around one way this way, with this group of humans, with this set of experiences. That’s why I strongly feel that all of us must DESIGN our lives so that they serve us, our values, and what we believe we are on this planet to be, not just accomplish.
And also, we must design our lives so we can fully enjoy each season of the year and of our lives. Fully. Happy Spring 🙂
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