Time speeds along anyway, but now we’re in that part of the year that seems like a race to the finish line. Next week is Thanksgiving, and the year end countdown (and in this family, the carb-fest) is ON.
I cannot tell you how many people I know are in an absolute panic about the end of the year. Another year older, and didn’t do this, didn’t do that . . . blah blah blah.
I also know many people ready to turn the page on 2021. Endings and transition points can be so powerful. They have the power to spark fear and to also inspire hope. Whoa.
How am I staying in the *Hope Zone*? Personally and professionally, I’m thinking a lot about realignments, which is related to my preferred term, ”The Great Realignment,” (vs.”The Great Resignation”).
I’m definitely not an expert on drivers for leaving work/jobs behind, but I believe strongly people want to work and are empowered by work. My view is that people are taking a serious look these days at how they want to live their lives. Some of these serious looks are resulting in hard, complicated, and different decisions in order to be in better alignment.
This is empowering. This is beautiful. I mean, if we are not going to think about how we want our lives to look on the tail of a 100-year storm aka a pandemic, when will we?
Living an intentional, well-designed life, with a career that’s rooted in my values, is my guiding star. Helping others do the same is my motivator. So I am digging even deeper (fun announcement coming soon!) into supporting people on how to live the life, have the careers they want, build quality relationships, and it’s got my hope vibe high.
Anyway, regret is wasted energy. At the end of 2021, how can you stay focused on what’s possible?
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