Category Archives: Goals
Give Yourself a Damn Break
How’s your year going so far? I’ll be totally honest, I’ve gotten off to what [...]
Hit the Ground Sprinting?
I’m sure I say this every year, “It’s flying by!” Truth is, it really does [...]
The Siren Song of Spring!
It’s here!! Flowers! Sun! Blue Skies! HALLELUJAH. Spring, I love you and I am happy. [...]
There is Only One YOU
I happen to currently have a couple of clients working on writing a book. For [...]
Well, That Happened…
Ok, so even though I don’t believe in resolutions and broad sweeping goals for the [...]
2019, Here We Go!
Happy New Year! How were your holidays? Mine were busy and festive, and FAST. I [...]
Back to it?
Am I the only one who has that back-to-school feeling? Sheesh, no matter how much [...]
Summer Slow Down
I’ve been so excited about the impending arrival of summer and now that it’s basically [...]