I’m sure I say this every year, “It’s flying by!”
Truth is, it really does seem like time is picking up. I know why. It’s that combination of age and busy-ness. So many things to do – so many things I want to do!
It also never fails that every time summer starts to wrap up, and Labor Day weekend rolls around, I have this feeling of: I better pick up the pace! Back to School! Buckle down! Focus focus focus! My clients have it too.
This can be totally overwhelming, and believe it or not, can cause a total spin-out of tail-chasing, hamster-wheel-running-non-productivity in September. And, of course, you know what’s right around the corner! The holiday season. Busiest. Season. EVER. More overwhelm. And more frustration, because it can lead to these questions that can make us feel so defeated:
“Why can’t I get ahead?”
“Why do I spend so much time spinning out?”
“What will it take for things to finally change?”
Here’s why: You’re trying to do too much. Sure, the perceived post Labor Day energy is hit-the-ground-sprinting, but you know where that leads: Over-committing!! Over-working! Over-programmed! Over-whelmed and over IT.
Here’s what to do instead, and it’s simple really: PICK one thing. Just one thing you want to focus on and make a plan for how you’re going to take action on it. Not sure how to pare it down? Try this strategy: Make a list of all the things you’re thinking about as we’re getting back into the September groove. Note the ones you know are distractions, those pesky shiny objects! (You can revisit them down the road, don’t worry : ) ). Now note the items you know would move you closer towards your goals. You know the ones. They may feel scary or daunting, this is how you know they actually matter. From that list, you’ll find your one thing to start with, remember to keep it simple.
Of course I know simple doesn’t mean easy (a mantra of mine, you might know by now), but the key–though counter-intuitive–is so often to do less, not more. I’ve written on my tips here and here to see how to reverse engineer and make a plan, so check those posts out for sure, but before you do, start by committing to one thing and place your focus there. Instead of everywhere. You will be amazed about the traction you can make.
And, PLEASE get in touch if you’re finding it either difficult to choose the one thing to start with or how to get going with it. The link to chat with me right here.
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