Category Archives: Goals

Your ONE Action Item

Happy May! Here we are, about halfway through the year already. It has certainly flown [...]

Doing Hard Things

The beta round of my group, Level UP, is at its halfway mark. The group [...]

Spring Cleaning for the Mind

When I was a kid, the holidays felt kind of like a chore. I loved [...]


2018. How’s it going so far? December to January, from the holidays to here we [...]

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Got your inventory in hand? If you don’t know what the heck  I’m talking about, [...]


New Year’s Inventory

December. Yowza. Here we are in the sprint to the year end. On the other [...]

I wrote a whole thing . . .

About goal setting for the new year — a two-part series to get you focused [...]

Naturalization Ceremony Life Coach

My husband recently became a US citizen. It was a great occasion for which his [...]

I ❤️ The Olympics

I can’t remember how I fell madly in love with the Olympics–I’m certainly no athlete–I [...]

It’s not too late! How to get your goals back on track.

Some years ago, a report came out declaring this past Monday (the third Monday of [...]