Category Archives: Goals

Embrace the Mid-Year Refresh

SUMMER. I’m happy happy happy!! And also, yup, I know I know–it’s already June. . [...]

Anti-Resolution, Pro-Evolution 😜

Long time readers know that I’m actively anti-resolutions, especially around January 1. This is because [...]

The Great Realignment Part 1

Without alignment – to our values and purpose – we are operating from a scattered [...]

The Power of Groups

You’d think I’d know this by now (have this as my default), but one constant? [...]

Know Your Values

Every year at this time, I start thinking about the big picture for my business [...]

Intentional: Definitely Not Frou Frou

Last week I wrote about how important it is to be intentional about creating the [...]

Control What You Can

Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]

September Self-Care

We’re past Labor Day and you know what that means: “Back to work.” Labor day, [...]

*Back to School*

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. The more you apply structure to your [...]

It Takes Discipline

Here’s the thing I want to say about self-care, which perhaps you’ve figured out by [...]