Long time readers know that I’m actively anti-resolutions, especially around January 1. This is because they are designed to fix things about ourselves that aren’t necessarily problems. Resolutions are so often rooted in self-flagellation, fueled by marketing and comparison traps.
Basically, I’m extremely opposed to introducing ways to beat ourselves up, which I find is the heart of resolutions. I am definitely pro-evolutions, however.
Y’all it’s been a tough few years, and I’m a firm believer in doing whatever we can to make things simpler. Clearer. Easier.
In fact, my 2023 word of the year is EASE. Sometimes the word comes quickly, sometimes slowly, and this one came in a flash on New Year’s Day, a clear evolution of my last few years and the words that guided me.
For example:
2020 was meant to be about infusing “FUN” into all things. Can you imagine? This still cracks me up in reflection of all that unfolded that year.
2021 was all about taking things in “STEPS,” just one at a time, and
2022 was all about bringing it into “ALIGNMENT.”
Which leads me to present day, January 2023 and “EASE.”
It’s been a joy this past year to spread the gospel of designing your work and life, the heart of my “Your New Life Blend” framework. And while I’m thrilled with my business growth, with whom I have been able to help, and with the plans I have for how I can help even more, I have to say that the last few years of work have been a bit more frenetic than I am happy to admit.
In fact, at the end of 2021, I said to all my accountability partners–my coach, my beloved, a few inner circle folks–I want to do it all again in my business, but be less exhausted. How did it go with that in 2022? Well, I didn’t quite get there.
I’m definitely not beating myself over it. Remember one of my mantras, to ever and forever “be gentle with yourself.” : )
But, hence: EASE for 2023
And anyway, the really good news is I know what to do. I am fortunate to have incredible support in my team and business coach, and this helps tremendously.
But having a word of the year to be a guiding theme–one I can refer back to when the choices get fraught and the overwhelm creeps in, one that helps me know where i’m going, one that helps me know what to say YES to, what–more importantly–to say NO to, and one that help me to evolve as necessary to stay in alignment with my higher vision–well that’s unbelievably grounding.
I highly recommend it. So, do you “word of the year?”