2021 is here, and I’m so curious to know how’s it going so far for you?
If I’m being totally honest, I’m still feeling a little bit sleepy and fatigued. I call it my 2020 hangover. Even though I took time off from clients, and didn’t see anyone or go anywhere, I’m feeling like a vacation is in order. How about you?
I’ve written about this in the past, but the idea that we should be firing on all cylinders, raring to go after the holiday season strikes me as ridiculous. So, if you’re like me, and feeling off to a sluggish start, I invite you to join me in taking things one step at a time.
On that note, I really appreciated the reader who wrote back to my most recent newsletter with “sounds like you already chose your word, and it’s *STEPS!*” They were right, of course. I have gone all in on my commitment to taking things one step at a time this year. After a year where overwhelm ruled, simple incremental progress is what I need to do to keep things moving, and here are my suggestions on how to do it:
Begin with reflection. Always always always! Take a look back at what worked, so you can build on it. This does not have to be a lengthy endeavor, I like to keep my reflections high-level because this keeps it from feeling onerous, and also helps me stay strategic about going forward. Hey – have you started an Accomplishment Inventory? This is such a handy tool to stay on top of your pride points, as well as what’s working. Today is a great day to start.
Once you’ve identified what worked well, what lit you up, what flowed, what you want more of going forward, then build on those items. And you do this by NAMING IT. You have to name it to claim it, as clients often hear me say. So make a project list. Go ahead and get it all out of your head, and put it in one place. Then you will pick 1-3, depending on the size. No, you can not choose to focus on every single idea you have, and expect to implement anything at all.
Break those projects down into smaller projects, with mini-goals and tasks. Then then map out on your actual calendar how and when you will take bite-size, doable, STEP BY STEP actions ! Use these tips on creating S.M.A.R.T. goals to help you make it happen. I find an actual desk calendar very very handy in mapping out the larger projects on a time line, and then I input the smaller tasks into time blocks in my planner.