Putting Your Values First


In my previous blog post, I talked about how many folks I know are caught up in the waves of change and uncertainty. It’s okay if you are among them–you are so not alone.
That’s why I also wrote about the importance of learning how to navigate life’s ups and downs like a surfer (instead of drowning). I know I know, simple–not easy.
That’s why I’m back with a reminder of HOW to get into surf mode.
One of the key ways to do this is to return to your values, and use them as your guide. This is particularly important during tough times, when we may feel lost and unsure of our direction.
Say you’re like one of my clients, who places authenticity as one of her top three values. Embracing her authenticity is serving her extremely well right now. Being authentic means being true to yourself and your values, even when it may be uncomfortable or unpopular. It means speaking your truth, expressing your emotions, and staying true to your beliefs.
During tough times, we may be tempted to hide our true selves, putting on a façade to protect ourselves or to please others. But ultimately, this only leads to feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction. By staying true to our authentic selves, we can find a sense of grounding and purpose, even in the midst of chaos.
This has certainly been true for my client who has found this grounding to help her connect more deeply and feel less isolated, which in turn brings her more uplift and joy, which allows the space for her to focus and be productive.
Do you see the impact that reconnecting to your key values can have?
Here are some tips for returning to your values when life gets tough:

  1. Take some time to reflect. Set aside some quiet time to think about what really matters to you. Write down your values, and think about how they have guided you in the past.
  2. Practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential for staying grounded and connected to your values. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, like exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.
  3. Be intentional with your choices. When faced with a difficult decision, take a moment to think about how it aligns with your values. Making intentional choices that align with your guiding principles can help you feel more empowered and in control.

Know what else is important about getting rooted in your values? It helps you create and activate on building a life that lights and lifts you up. This is all part of designing YOUR New Life Blend – a personal and professional life that works for you.
By staying connected to your values, you can create a life that is authentic and fulfilling. Take this values exercise deeper with this worksheet, which helps you design the life you want–all parts of it, personal and professional—that feels true to who you are.
I have tried surfing enough to know it’s pretty challenging, but figuring out the flow sure is fun.
And remember, you’re not alone. Send me an email and let me know how I can help.

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