How are you protecting your focus?


TL;DR: This world is wild, if you need help staying on track with your priorities, I can help. Info on options at the bottom.

Happy New Year and greetings from January the longest month ever. Is it just me? Honestly, it feels like it’s January 45th.

The holidays are a hazy memory, and now with them and the sprint to the end of the year in the rearview, the days are not exactly whizzing by.

But also there has been a lot going on. The year kicked off, and almost instantly my heart and focus were with my people in Los Angeles as the city was (and continues to be) burning. I lived there for 16 years, and clearly see that the whole city is forever changed. Up close, I personally know multiple people—among thousands and thousands—who have lost everything. I’ve included some LINKS to help below*.

I then spent a week at the JPM Healthcare conference meeting with current & potential clients, simultaneously laying the foundation to formalize my leadership coaching business (more to come on that soon).

We’ve now inaugurated a new president, and while I’m certainly cheering for peaceful transitions of power, you probably know I’m not excited about the choice the country made, nor about the actions & priorities already set into motion, many of which strike me as harmful and hateful.

Which takes me to my main point.

​Life is busy, often overwhelming, and there’s a lot we can’t control. I’ve been listening to a number of podcasts, reading thoughtful pieces, and thinking a lot about the competition of apps, algorithms, marketers, politicians, & more for our attention.

Giving away my focus by giving in to my outrage, getting swept away by news alerts, allowing myself to live in a state of reactivity helps no one. I have clients, family, friends & communities who need my attention & support much much more.

I already pointed out how much can happen, expected and also not, in a month that’s not even over. The firehose is fully on, and so one of my 2025 intentions is to stay focused on my personal and professional goals without getting swept away by OPP (Other People’s Priorities).

I’m doing what I can to stay focused on my priorties keep my self from being dragged off course. Some of these actions are simple: deleting apps, investing in app blockers/time limits for social and news, returning to my meditation practice, etc. (I did say simple actions, not easy ones!)

But the main thing is accountability and community. I’m investing in accountability for myself in a variety of ways, and I’m also OFFERING it a variety of ways—here’s how:

  1. I’m currently enrolling new group coaching cohorts. They are curated based on a variety of factors including goals such as stepping into your next level of leadership, building skills & confidence, or managing a “what’s next for me moment?”
    Got something else brewing you want support on? Send me an email to let me know about it, I’m forming as many groups as I can accommodate to help people keep their attention focused on what they want.
  2. Don’t currently need the help but know someone who could benefit? Please make a referral!! Referrals are the biggest compliment, and if you make one and they sign up for a group or private sessions, I will give you an hour to work with me for free**.
  3. FYI to my former clients! If you want to work with me on an hourly/one-off basis to work through something, have a thought partner, puzzle out a problem, or make a decision—I’m available for that too. Again, just respond to this email.

In your corner and wishing you all good things in 2025, including focus and your attention where you want it in 2025.

*LINKS I’ve sourced to help LA now:

**One caveat: Your referral has to be cool with you knowing that they plan to work with me. I hold confidentiality extremely tightly 🙂

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