Weird year, eh? It’s pretty much how all my clients have been talking about it, and I really don’t know how to say it otherwise. A weird, weird year.
And of course, we also have no idea what 2025 will bring. Uncertainty about the future is par for the course, which is why I always say: control what you can. Not that this is necessarily easy to do, or even to remember to do (hence the reminders from me!)
When things feel uncertain, it’s so easy to get swept away on a wave (heck, waves & waves) of O.P.P. – Other People’s Priorities — along with their outrage, their opinions, etc., and to then to try to fit ourselves into a mold of how we think we should feel, how we should move forward, how we should . . . (fill in the blank). I mean it is *List Season* on social media after all. Pretty soon we’re going to be seeing everyone squeezing themselves, their goals, & how they’re moving into a new year all into tidy templates, trying to quickly & succinctly make sense of a very strange year. This always feels somewhat forced to me, and as a result, not particularly helpful.
Also, it can be extremely tempting to try and NOT THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL. To try & just delete discomfort, move forward, & just-get-on-with-it-already, to simply start over in the new year. But you know that the trusty old saying, “what we resist persists,” is the truth, so wholesale avoidance, although certainly attractive, isn’t particularly helpful either.
Bummer, I know. It’s daunting to reflect on a whole year, especially if we’re not feeling totally awesome about it.
My suggestion, let’s reflect AND let’s keep it simple. I made you a guided reflection to do just that.
This reflection is designed to help you look back on what happened, what you gained, what you lost, what’s in hand as well as what’s missing, so that we can move on & go forward, hopefully with a bit of ease and clarity.
So many of my clients expressed a sense of STUCK-ness amidst the weirdness of this past year. I myself experienced a decent amount of that feeling, and it’s lousy. It’s the kind of frustrating feeling that has us seeking all sorts of solutions, shortcuts, & fixes outside of ourselves–and the quicker the better.
Spoiler: there’s no quick fix. There’s no magic, there’s only trusting ourselves, getting any support we need to do so, and taking action bit by bit.
So even though here we are at the start of a new Gregorian calendar year with all its completely arbitrary “fresh start” energy, I am reminding you that actually, every day–any day!–is an opportunity to begin again. Do I remind you of this every year? It’s because it’s TRUE. And I’m also reinforcing that it doesn’t have to be a big arduous stressful undertaking. Taking time with a simple reflection is a great place to start.
This reflection is helping me shed some of the weight of this last year & transition into a new one in a more empowered mode. Click here to try it out for yourself.
It might even help you fill out a social media list-y template-y thing with clarity & authenticity : )
Let me know what you think! Wishing you very a happy holiday season!