Category Archives: self-chatter

Finding Joy in the Journey

As promised in my last post about making sure to take care of yourself while [...]


Not gonna lie, feels pretty weird and challenging to write a message to you around [...]

Happy Spring

Spring is a JOY.  . Even though the weather can be moody and temperamental, I [...]

My December Wish For You.

Normally (what is normal?), this time (what is time?) of year (2020, sheesh), I’m thinking, [...]

The Powerful Pause

This month I’ve been trying to help you regain your focus, and I hope my [...]

Control What You Can

Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]

Be Real With What Is

Besides the fact that I love fall weather (sweater weather, of course!), one of the [...]


I don’t know about you, but I’m not bored. I’m lucky that my work has [...]


For me, May is typically a full month of family birthdays and celebrations. It’s joyful, [...]


It’s life, and things don’t always go our way. Or how we planned. Or expected. [...]