The blur of a pace that was 2022 is rolling into 2023. I think I’ve got to stop talking about time whipping by–this is a new normal for me! But I know I’m not the only one who is wondering how it’s basically the end of January, I’m now just realigning my relationship to time speeding by to try and find the ease (Hello, 2023 word of the year) and flow of it, rather than the panic and doubt of it.
If you’re listening to the podcast, you know that I’m thinking and speaking a lot about our relationship to work, and how so many of us are rethinking it. In parallel, behind the scenes, I’ve been curating my small group coaching program for February. It’s been coming together organically, which has been so nice. That’s why you haven’t seen me promoting it here yet, the group has slowly formed on its own. Ahhhh ease : )
It’s an amazing group of humans who are each considering what’s next on their career journey. They’re taking stock of their experiences, fighting inertia and the pull to stay a course that’s no longer satisfying them, and spending the next few months with me to develop and activate on a vision of a life–all parts of it–that really light them up.
Sounds cool, right? I for one could not be more excited for this. The synergies between these participants have me super pumped.
And there’s one spot left.
If you’re feeling like you’re staring down a crossroads and it feels overwhelming, perhaps that seat is for you. If you’re feeling there’s a bigger “YES,” than the path you are currently on, but you don’t know where to start–hit reply to this email or click this link and let’s chat.
Time marching on, that’s the new normal, right? That doesn’t mean we have to give in to inertia, or surrender to old ways of working and careers that don’t fit any more. Join me in finding the ease and flow of time moving along, and harness it to make shifts that work for and empower you.
By the way, I’d love to hear from you even if you’re sure that joining a group in February isn’t for you. I have waiting lists for future pods of this focus, AND for pods that will focus on other areas including honing and owning leadership skills, stretching into new roles, and more. Happy to chat about what YOU are needing, whether that’s for today or for down the road.
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