Sehreen Noor Ali did not plan to start a venture-backed company in the pediatric health care space. But her child had started missing her milestones and she had too many unanswered questions. After taking time off work and spending hours upon hours in Google rabbit holes and parent Facebook groups searching for clues and trading information, Sehreen decided to create a tool to surface this information directly to parents like her.
Together with her co-founder, Sehreen built Sleuth, a childhood health recommendation engine, powered by crowdsourced insights from parents and machine-learning. (Think: Waze for childhood health.) Sleuth has been building in beta alongside Sehreen’s own sleuthing about her daughter’s health, and the opaque and time-consuming health care system.
In this episode of “Your New Life Blend,” Sehreen reflects on that time with host Shoshanna Hecht, including the higher purpose of protecting kids, supporting families facing atypical health conditions, and marveling at her daughter’s capacity for resilience…and, her own.
Here’s what some of the listeners have to say: