There’s nothing so empowering, and let’s face it, so painful, as having to level a really strict boundary. You know the kind I’m talking about, the ones that are vitally necessary, that hold a firm line that protects your energy, and that are direct and clear, and that involve people you love. . Ho Ho Ho the holidays are here, and with it, tests to our limits!! . Honestly this Jewish gal loves this whole time of year. For me, this time of year is all about bringing in the light.Many of the seasonal holidays are all about that, and this year I’m feeling like we need all the light we can get! . Also for me, this holiday season has been non-stop. And not just in the, everything merry and bright and festive way (though that has been lovely), but also in the “Wow, work won’t quit the pace is wild!” kind of a way. . This year more than any other has been a reminder of how much I–and my business!!–vibe on back-to-school energy. I hit the ground running in September after Labor Day, and it has not let up since. . I’ve been having fun balancing holidays and time with family, so I’m not complaining, but all of it has required serious discipline and focus, and you guessed it, attention to not just setting, but to also upholding my boundaries. . In addition to the busy-ness of work and life, I’ve also had an unusually high number of time invaders who have tried to take more attention than they’re allotted. This can be tricky, and can feel especially tough when those invaders are close friends or loved ones. . That’s why knowing what works for you and what doesn’t matters so much. It’s the heart of having a designed life, a life in which all parts work for you, including who gets your time and attention. . Because there’s only so much of either. . Here’s your reminder to be judicious with your energy and your time. When you do so with love, and in ways that are both clear and kind, you will naturally be protecting your precious relationships. . Time, energy and relationship protection. Isn’t that a wonderful gift to give yourself this holiday season?
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