Commercialism plays a huge role in how we mark time, and February is no different, what with all the love and hearts and chocolate and flower pushing. Yikes, it’s enough to make any one feel lousy about their relationship status. Honestly, whether in a relationship or not, Valentine’s day never really resonated with me. I simply don’t like being told what or when to buy stuff, probably in part it’s because I seriously sweat on-demand gift buying and prefer to shop when inspiration strikes. Also, the cliche-ness, man oh man.
However, I do like approaching my calendar thematically, and so I’m co-opting the love month into the Relationship Month and taking the opportunity to focus on what makes relationships work well. Are you single? In a committed relationship? Are you a person with any family members? A professional trying to sharpen skills and get better results in interpersonal relationships at work? If you answered yes to any (all) of the above, then turning your attention to focus on what’s working in your relationships is essential.
Personally, I think it all comes down to communication and boundaries. Getting smart and sharp in these areas will have massive positive impact on your relationships. I mean, do you find yourself wondering:
- How come no one taught me how to read minds?
- Why am I so drained after even minor fights with friends and family. Sheesh, it seems like after even a teeny fight leaves my friendships strained?
- Why is my beloved always asking for his/her mother’s opinion? So frustrating!
There’s so much noise and distraction. Friends, family, even your own negative soundtrack can really shape choices and actions, and often not for the health of your relationship. I can help you:
- Tune in, get clear on what’s working. And what isn’t.
- Break the frustrating mind-reading cycle
- Communicate clearly, cleanly
- Ask and get for what you want
- Set boundaries and limits that get respected
- Fight fair with positive outcomes
And, in honor of the RELATIONSHIP month and starting on February 14th, I’ll be giving away 14 (intro) sessions. It’ll be fun and now I’m actually excited for Valentine’s Day – something novel for me!
Stay tuned. . . .
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