Greetings from the end of Q1 2023. Time is flying by, so I’m going to jump in with what’s pressing for me right now.
Y’all, I’m failing when it comes to embodying on my Word of the Year.
I’ve been busy, and with so many good things, so I am not complaining. And the truth is, the parts of my work that typically feel hard (marketing, for example) have been ease-ful. But it’s been a sprint all the same, and that was not the plan. The plan was slow and steady, an ease-on-down-the-road kind of vibe.
It’s very clearly time for a re-alignment, because I am just so tired. And also, I’m a little stuck in the trees, having lost focus on the forest.
This is why I so appreciate living in a place with seasons. Of course peak winter, I can’t help but long for the endless summer I used to experience living in LA, but more and more I treasure the natural rhythms and reminders that change is inevitable.
Seasonal change is a metaphor for living. And dare I say, for living well? By which I mean, it’s a helpful tool for turning and re-turning our attention to what we want our life to be like. Aka #YourNewLifeBlend :).
My point is that there are so many opportunities to get back on—or even to find a new—track. The change of seasons, the precipice of a fresh quarter, heck even just a random Friday (see what I did there, with this landing in your inbox on a Friday?). All of these are good times to check in with where you’re at, and about the path you’re following.
Inertia is extremely powerful, and so this is your reminder to check in, to ask yourself:
● How is it going?
● Am I in alignment with my word of the year?
(Perhaps I need a new word of the year.)
● How am I feeling?
● Am I on MY path?
(Or have I been pulled over to someone else’s?)
And then adjust accordingly. It’s all good.
I know that I am making some big shifts in Q2 to slow things down to find more eaaaaassseee. And I already feel lighter in the simple act of planning for it. Just in checking in with myself, and re-orienting my mind. Lighter and brighter.
For more inspiration and a visual reminder, check out my new favorite quote from Queen Dolly Parton
: )
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