Category Archives: change


A client had been struggling with getting her head back in the game after a [...]

Still Thinking about Heels

Achilles’ Heel (n.): a fault or weakness that causes or could cause someone or something [...]

Don’t Get Your Heel Stuck in a Grate

One of my beloved best friends was in town recently and took me on a [...]


The Dangers of Black & White Thinking

“We sow the seeds of our future hells or happiness by the way we open [...]


Powerful Pause

This week’s Pro Tip: Take a PAUSE. I’m thinking a lot about communication these days [...]

What Saying No Sometimes Looks Like

You know the kind of morning I’m talking about, the kind where it’s a total [...]

Flexing your ‘No’ Muscle

You got this. You nailed your schedule for the day. You had a day with [...]

Silence is Consent

I passed this sign outside a church ages ago and didn’t ever know what to [...]

Routine Changes

Changes in routine can really hi-light a blind spot. This past three-day weekend was so [...]

Summer of Fun!

A client and her beloved have broken up. The distance between them was long, and [...]