How do you support women in the workplace? If you’re Sali Christeson, founder and CEO of Argent, you do it with sleeve-stays, flexible fabrics and, of course, pockets.
Argent’s suits were ubiquitous this fall in the run-up to the election with a hot-pink voting-themed collection – but almost three years ago in March 2020 when everyone stopped going to the office, she wasn’t even sure she’d have a business at all.
On this episode of “Your New Life Blend,” host Shoshanna Hecht talks to Sali about how she navigated the challenges of the past few years – professionally and personally, with two young kids at home, the ups and down of being a founder, who shows up for her (because, it’s been a wild few years), and why she is so passionate about giving working women clothes they can love, and also stash their phone in.
Here’s what some of the listeners have to say: