Category Archives: Perfectionism

Breaking Up with Perfection

Whew  – it’s about to be August. Say what? Wait a minute . . . [...]

My Birthday Gift To You

It’s my birthday month, and those who know me know I enjoy a month long [...]

When things go wrong.

You probably noticed I did some webinars last week :). Those of you who attended [...]

Imposter Complex?

I’ve had a LOT of requests for support on ‘Imposter Complex.’ It was the big [...]

Making the Best of a Bummer

People have been asking me how my vacation went. Amazing, it was an amazing trip. [...]

World Class Sweat-er

Did you see my last post? You know, the one where I talked about my [...]


How about we just say: No Big Deal. A client recently messed something up while [...]

JDI: Breaking Up with Perfection

I consider myself thorough and careful, and my editing skills a pride point, so when [...]