Category Archives: Client issue of the week
How are you?
This question gets thrown about so blithely, and I really struggle with it. . In [...]
Let’s Take it One Step at a Time
“There’s too much on all fronts. How can I focus? I feel like my focus [...]
Too Much Outside?
Summer is well under way, and I love the easy breezy feeling that typically accompanies [...]
Got Re-entry Stress?
Here in the United States we are fortunate to be on the tail of this [...]
The Before and The After
Based on responses to my last post about finding Your New Life Blend, and the [...]
My December Wish For You.
Normally (what is normal?), this time (what is time?) of year (2020, sheesh), I’m thinking, [...]
The Powerful Pause
This month I’ve been trying to help you regain your focus, and I hope my [...]
What Will You Quit?
Last week I wrote about the importance of controlling what you can. I know this [...]
Control What You Can
Anyone else have news cycle whiplash? Are you overwhelmed with just trying to keep up [...]