Got imposter complex ?
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you constantly second-guess yourself?
Do you attribute all of your accomplishments to luck and a twist of fate?
Do you constantly feel you don’t belong: at the meeting, in the room, at the table?
Do you diminish your expertise, talking yourself down?
Do you feel like a fraud, that at any moment you will be found out and laughed out of the room?
Join my FREE live Webinar and get my techniques on how to Kick Imposter Complex!
Claim your spot here!
Thursday, March 7 @ 3:00 PM EST
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Scroll down to learn more! ⬇️
Did you check a box? Maybe one or two?
You’ve got a healthy dose of Imposter Complex.
And I’m guessing it’s crushing your confidence and your spirit.
I have worked with hundreds of women on how to kick imposter complex to the curb, and I’m teaching my techniques in this training!
I’ve got you covered! Here’s what you’ll learn during this training:
Thursday, March 7 @ 3:00 PM EST

Shoshanna Hecht is an Executive and Personal Coach, on a mission to help women increase their confidence and communication so they can have more of what they want in both their personal and professional lives. Shoshanna is a firm believer that there’s power in the stories and messages we tell ourselves, and so navigating the challenges of life without beating ourselves up is key. The harsh inner critic that is Imposter Complex is a chief eroder of confidence, join Shoshanna to learn how to begin combatting it!
To learn more about Shoshanna, click here.